Thursday, October 25, 2012

Regular Expression+ Nintex+ SharePoint

To Remove Date and TimeStamps and RACF from the approver comments:

Input: Approver Comments
Function: "Replace By"
Store in :Variable(single line of text)

For racf:

For TimeStamps:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Build URL String for Document Library/Lists

To View the Properties of the List:
<a href="{url}"><strong>View</strong>

To Edit the Properties of the List:
<a href="{concat(sitename,substring-before(substring-before(substring-after(url,sitename),'.'),'/DispForm'),'/','EditForm.aspx','?ID=',listitemid)}"><strong>Edit</strong></a>

To View the Properties of Document Library:

<a href="{concat(sitename,'/',substring-before(substring-after(substring-after(url,sitename),'/'),'/'),'/Forms/DispForm.aspx?','ID=',listitemid)>

To Edit the Properties of Document Library:
<a href="{concat(sitename,'/',substring-before(substring-after(substring-after(url,sitename),'/'),'/'),'/Forms/EditForm.aspx?','ID=',listitemid)>

Monday, October 15, 2012

Group a SharePoint List by Created Month Name and Year

Create a calculated column and insert the below formula:

=TEXT(Created,"MMMM")&"-"&YEAR(Created) This column will show you the month and year based on the "Created" column.
=TEXT([Column Name],"MMMM")&"-"&YEAR([Column Name])